Field info

Coming soon... With your support....Auburn Paintball -

AU Paintball will offer a high quality X-Ball field and two Scenario fields for recreational play. Our retail facility offers all the paintball supplies and cold beverages you need. Rentals markers and safety equipment are available.

How many times a month would you play paintball if there was a field in Auburn, AL?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Field Options:

XBall: pits two teams against each other in multiple rounds of Center Flag played one after another until game time runs out. Fifty-two inflatable obsticles provide cover for players. Teams score one point for each game of centerflag they win, and the team with the most points at the end of the match wins. Professional XBall matches are split into two halves, while non-professional matches use various shorter game times.

Field 1 & 2: offers recreational player a variety of terrain with trenches and dirt mounds. Obst1cles and bunkers provide hiding places for players to use to their advantage. Field layouts change from month to month to keep players on their toes. Look at our game options to plan your battle.

In Development:
Field 3: offers recreational players a small neighborhood to simulate close quarters combat. The field has several plywood skeleton houses, fences, and other obstacles found in most neighborhoods. Houses contain several small rooms and hallways. Field layouts change from month to month to keep players on their toes. Look at our game options to plan your battle.

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